Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Mobile or Text Marketing is the new wave of Marketing

Mobile marketing is marketing directly to consumers through SMS messaging, leveraging the growing number of mobile phone owners and users. Mobile or Text marketing is predicted to be the next major global technology phenomenon, and to a certain extent it is already used across Europe and Asia by businesses of all sizes to deliver targeted marketing messages on a wholesale scale.

Mobile marketing business consultants and service providers already have access to the frameworks for dealing with SMS text marketing, yet still the UK market remains behind much of the rest of the world in mobile SMS marketing.

With mobile marketing, business owners across the world are realizing the benefits of this kind of promotion on their bottom line. The mobile marketing business looks set to continue to grow at a rapid rate over the next few years. Consumers in the UK are yet to be fully exposed to marketing through SMS, and as such are still very responsive to message passed through this medium.

Indeed, when compared to broadcast and print marketing, the results are staggering. As such, it's only a matter of time before the mobile marketing business in the UK catches up with the more established mobile marketing business sectors in Europe and Asia, which will provide advertisers with a whole world of new marketing possibilities.

For example, in the restaurant business, you are always looking for new ways to reach your customers. You use direct mail, email, radio, TV, but the effectiveness seems to be falling off a cliff. People are getting bombarded with so many messages that it is getting harder to get your message across, except for now.

Text messaging is the new marketing craze, and it has the facts to back it up. Compared to email, text messages are opened 98% vs. 19.8%, according to the latest quarterly report from the marketing firm. In addition, look at the usage of the cell phone. According to the International Association for the wireless telecommunication industry there are lots of the U.K. population has a cell phone compared to in 2005. They yearly SMS (short message service) messages sent in 2005 were 7.2 Billion compared to 75 Billion in 2008. The statistics are unbelievable, and this is why every restaurant should start collecting cell phone numbers and permission to market to these customers.

One of company says, since we started using text messages, sales have increased 10% for the periods we promote. The key, though, is getting people to opt in to receive text messages from you. Here is how text messaging works. Each text messaging company has a 4 or 5 digit number that you use to market a word. The word becomes your group, so if you tell someone to text message the word "lunch" to 45231, then that word is your lunch customer group. You can group as many groups you want, but each word will cost money.

Once someone text messages the word to your number, than that gives you the right to communicate with them by SMS text. They will automatically get a message from you that states they have opted to receive messages from (name of company) and standard text message costs apply. Before unlimited text messaging, this used to be a problem using text message for marketing purposes. Most people do not want to get charged, but now the majority of people have unlimited text messaging.



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